
Communication is about how we interact with others - how we get our thoughts and ideas across

What is communication? We all know what it is but are we any good at it and how much does it impact on our lives?They say communication makes the world go around - well it does. Wars have been started and stopped because of good and bad communication. Many people suffer mental health issues and don’t know how to communicate their feelings to others to get help. Many people struggle to find the right words, or the right moment in which to start communication with people. We should make sure we communicate with people who may need help.

Click on a heading below and see a summary, and if you're interested you can GO and read more about it.

Click on a heading below and see a summary, and if you're interested you can GO and read more about it.

Here are some initial thoughts about communication. GO!

Here are some facts and stats  about communication. GO!

There are some basics about communicating that can make your communications more effective and are worth revisiting.  GO!

Communicating with another person or people should be easy. We’ve been doing it for thousands of years.  But it isn’t.  The key to remember – it should be two way. GO!

When you’re talking to someone, are you hearing what they say (vaguely) or really listening to them? GO!

Why do we often fail to be understood? Even when we think we have expressed ourselves really clearly. It’s a question of style! GO!

There are systems which take communication to the next level – we don’t intend to cover this in detail here, but if you’re interested in having a quick look, … GO!

If you’re a visitor to our site you can join and download information, assess your own health and create your own action plans, and even contribute to our site.  GO!

We have a video and a testimonial then some ideas on next steps you can take. GO!

We have some additional information and stuff on this subject. GO!

Some Initial Thoughts

Important in relationships

In work relationships and family relationships personality and communications come high on the list of what cause breakdowns. It’s her/his/their personality - she/he/they are so hot-headed they only half-listen to what you have to say and then they respond with the first thing that comes into her/his/their head, full of emotion and lacking in clarity.

We also consider group communications

Communication is not just about having a conversation - it's much more than that. In CommunicationDrive we focus on personal communication in the main but provide a section on speaking in groups.

This is a HUGE subject which we’ve broken down into sections which you can visit 

Facts About Communication

30 %

in a survey in 2012 30% preferred face to face communication -in 2020 it had dropped to 30% with text and social media taking over

of teenagers
40 %

40% teenagers had smatrtphones in 2012 – it’s 92% in 2020

75 %

75% teenagers used facebook in 2012 – it’s less than 15% in 2020

1 %

in England reporting difficulty in finding employees with an appropriate level of oral communication skills.

Communicating Effectively

Humans have been communicating since caveman days. Some would say communication hasn’t got much better since then! Back then there was a basic structure but without having complex lives. Today the basic structure is still there but humans have much more complex brains and lives.

It seems to be a given that humans can communicate but that is just not the case. We also do not have specific training at school or university regarding communication, it’s merely a by-product in that we need to communicate our subject matter. There is no formal training. In recent times organisations are sending their potential managers on courses for communication, and communication is often on a competency-based interview.

So why are some so good and some so bad? Well, it’s all down to personality, character, social background and upbringing. There may be genuine mental health issues causing a person to have difficulty expressing themselves but generally it’s the personality etc.

We may have come from a household that is reserved or loud and boisterous. Either group could under- or over-communicate. With training and guidance, you can learn not only to communicate effectively but also learn better ways to get your message across that you previously hadn’t thought of. These include the ability to talk and give out a clear message and the ability to understand the recipient of the message and do they understand it.

There are also prejudices people may hold that will stop them from receiving and understanding your message, even though it’s right and good. These include racism, ageism, sexism, they may just hate you, they don’t trust you, they are from a different class.

Communicating in dialogue and conversation

Communication is the backbone of our society without it things would collapse in chaos. However, often there are real issues in communications. Simply, these can be two-fold: what you're communicating and how you do it, and the way this is received.It's worth looking at each of these aspects ina bit more detail.

Active Listening

Active listening is as important as talking

Big talkers are often not good listeners. Sometimes it’s due to personality and character, other times it’s because someone is not a competent communicator. Good listening skills are as important as talking. Making sure that the conversation flows is so important, having a balanced chat and allowing each person to express themselves is a skill in itself. We take talking and communicating for granted therefore we don’t think of preparing in advance, as you would for a meeting. But it is worth learning to stop yourself and learn some simple techniques.

Here are a few tips:
• Listen because you’re interested. When you listen with the intention to understand, you listen with an open mind.
• Try not to interrupt especially in the middle of the other person’s point.
• Give yourself time to process what you’ve heard. You cannot listen and be prepping your reply at the same time, so wait.
• Repeat back and clarify what someone is saying.
• Try to focus on the conversation and limit distractions, put your phone to one side
• Maintain good eye contact.
• Use your body language to show you are listening. Lean in to the conversation.
• Get curious, by asking more questions
. • Put yourself in the other person’s shoes.
• Try not to over trump someone else’s story. Once is ok, twice is acceptable, but never constantly trying to out tell a story bigger, better, stronger.

Communication Styles

Why are we misunderstood?

We often fail at communication because we don’t put the effort in to having a conversation. Humans talk without thinking sometimes, it’s basic instinct.

Personality, Character, Attitude, Style, Approach, Culture, Race, can all impact and have an effect on communication style. People might be brilliant communicators in terms or oral presentation but if the recipient of the message doesn’t like your style or approach they won’t listen.‘Chalk and Cheese’ as the saying goes; the lively , dynamic, vibrant fast talking clear communicator will be ineffective in a group of accountants, who will switch off. The same stereo types would apply to a room full of sales people been addressed by an Actuary wishing to talk stats. These are simple examples but it’s not just about what we say, it’s how we say it and the approach we take.

Take our communication style questionnaire and see how you get on.

Communication - Advanced

Do consultancies and high level sales organisations offer special training in communications?

Of course they do. When the value of a sale is in the millions, it is worthwhile giving the people responsible for completing these sales every possible advantage. That includes in-depth training in every aspect of communicating and selling.

This includes all the basic information you've seen so far in terms of communications, and also the ability to understand the different personalities involved in the process. Not only to understand them ,but to know the best way not only to communicate with them but the best way to influence them. A well known phrase in this world is:

Communicating without a desired outcome is like travelling without a destination.

Knowing the outcome is important and keeps focus on what to say, what to look for after it's been said and what to change as conversations develop. In this world, continued resistance to the message being put out is a comment on the presenter, not the person responding. It is seen as showing a lack of flexibility.

Neurolinguistic Programming or NLP

Technically Neurolinguistic Programming is a model of communication that focuses on identifying and using patterns in the thought processes that influence people's verbal and non-verbal behaviour as a means of improving the quality and effectiveness of their communication.

There is a huge body of work in this area. Simply, NLP tries to detect and modify people's unconscious 'map of the world'. Yes, that's right, it said 'modify'. Isn't that a bit like hypnosis or brainwashing - not really, as it's just better communication through use of language and sensory systems (hearing, visual, etc), but it is aimed at changing someone’s thoughts and behaviours to help achieve desired outcomes for them.

Possibly the best way to consider it is to think of it as understanding people (much) better. In one way It is easier to communicate with those people that are like us. The ability to influence those who are not like us is the difference that makes the difference.

We don't propose to cover this in any detail here but there will be an expert who help if you're interested.

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How to improve your communication skills

Improve your communications skills

Linda Raynor explains 4 steps to improve your communications skills

"I used to think communication was the key until I realized comprehension is. You can communicate all you want with someone but if they don’t understand you, it's silent chaos."

Next Steps

It doesn’t matter what stage  you’re at – it’s important to be the best you can be.  At the end of the day it’s about taking personal responsibility – You Drive!

It’s really your choice. You can find out more information about the subject, or see other institutions that can help by going to Support. There you will find organisations, training, coaching, self-help courses and other items to support your personal change. We have also started developing a panel of experts to provide info, advice, help and support. 

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There are times when you need some help to meet your aims –  a helping hand. That might be  an organisation that can provide you with some help,  some specialised information or support, or just getting some background reading material.

You can see these by clicking the Support button here.  Some products or services contain affiliate links and we may receive a commission for purchases made through these links


We are compiling a list of experts who can provide advice, help or specialised services.  You will be able to access these experts from anywhere on our site you see our ‘Experts’ symbol.  Click the green E to see what our Experts list will look like, with a couple of imaginary ‘experts’ added!

More Information

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More information

4 Essential Keys to Effective Communication in Love, Life, Work–Anywhere!

Including the “12-Day Communication Challenge!”

What if a few simple skills could radically improve your life, marriage, and ALL your relationships?

Go to Amazon

The Art Of Marriage Communication

Communication Habits That Will Kill Your Relationship And How To Do It Better

Are you frustrated with your relationships falling apart when life and other commitments get in your way?

Do you feel like no matter how hard you try, Love is just hard for you?

Go to Amazon

The Essential Guide to Neuro-Linguistic Programming

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) has already helped millions of people overcome fears, increase confidence, enrich relationships, and achieve greater success

Go to Amazon

PositivePsychology have an article on improving comunication in relationships

Success at School help develop communications skills for work 

Improve high school children’s communications skills

Relate offer communications tips for relationships

Entrepreneur offer 14 ways to improve your skills

Tony Robbins explains how to communicate in a relationship

This is a MindTools video on Locus on Control


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Stuff you might want to do regarding communication

Now you’ve read about communication and all it entails, you might want to make a bit of a statement.  Have a look at some stuff below we think has some humour value!  We may make pennies on commission, but that’s not the point really.  Click on the image to see more details.

Communications Officer tee-shirt

Behaviour is Communication tee-shirt

Communication mug

Problem solving mug

How to Talk to Anyone

The Essential Guide to Neuro-Linguistic Programming

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) has already helped millions of people overcome fears, increase confidence, enrich relationships, and achieve greater success

Go to Amazon

The Art Of Marriage Communication

Communication Habits That Will Kill Your Relationship And How To Do It Better

Are you frustrated with your relationships falling apart when life and other commitments get in your way?

Do you feel like no matter how hard you try, Love is just hard for you?

Go to Amazon

4 Essential Keys to Effective Communication in Love, Life, Work–Anywhere!

Including the “12-Day Communication Challenge!”

What if a few simple skills could radically improve your life, marriage, and ALL your relationships?

Go to Amazon

A Butterfly Life: 4 Keys to More Happiness, Better Health and Letting Your True Self Shine

Times of change can be a challenge, no doubt! Whether it’s a relationship breakup, job loss, or being diagnosed with a serious health issue. Or you may WANT things to be different, but it feels a little scary or overwhelming. The butterfly reminds us change can be beautiful, even necessary, in order to realize our full potential and live our best life.