Exclusive by David Leask
Chief Reporter, The Herald
JUST two Scottish councils – East and North Ayrshire – have secured top accreditation from Food for Life, a Government-funded green farming scheme. This means they serve “gold standard” organic or local food to their pupils, and buy at least 15% of their produce from chemical free organic suppliers.
Agriculture spokesman, Mark Ruskell MSP believes schools can change to local and fresh ingredients without large extra costs, but says it’s easier if they had kept their in-house catering staff.
The Herald on Sunday
YouDrive thinks:
This is becoming more prevalent, and councils have some responsibility to help people make healthy choices. It’s not like people have a choice, is it? It’s good for the planet as well as the people.
Jamie Oliver started the campaign some years ago hi lighting the need to serve healthy food in schools.It has since then slowed and many schools and in particular head teachers have the time to look at the nutritional content or if the food is organic. Someone in the education authority needs to take responsibility and champion the cause.