Dating Fraud is costing over 70 million a year, is it the desperate price to pay for getting affection or plain stupidity?

couple on a date

Dating Fraud costing over 70 million a year
Is it the desperate price to pay for getting affection or plain stupidity?

Dating online without meeting in person has become the new normal throughout the coronavirus pandemic. But losses to romance fraud reached £73.9m during this period, with Action Fraud receiving 7,754 reports. The true figure is likely to be much higher, as many victims of romance fraud are too embarrassed or upset to tell the authorities.

Covid-19 Was it all worth it? lets look at some of the facts.

Keep off the grass - intructions

We all get caught up with the pace of life and have little or no time to research the constant information we hear every 15 minutes on the radio, TV and Media channels. This often creates a letter box view of what is happening with a specific issue or subject. Regarding Covid 19 the media […]

Lockdown – a necessary evil or a waste of time?

Nigel Farage photo

FILE PHOTO: British Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage speaks during a visit at Dover harbour, in Dover Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Saturday announced that a second national lockdown would start on Thursday 5th November in England, as the UK passed one million Covid-19 cases.  Nigel Farage announced that he was rebranding his Brexit party […]


NHS Better Health sign

Getting fitter is not just about physical activity its about mental strength and the ability to follow it through and create a new habit

Farmed fish of any sort is not good for you!!!

fish farm at sea

The world of fish farming is now well and truly a billion dollar business with a dozen players dominating the market. For those who do not know a fish farm is a net suspended near the shore line in which fish are kept or as in India and Asia old paddy rice fields have been […]


chicken farm in staffordshire

I took this picture recently of a chicken farm in Staffordshire. What is so noticeable is this green tin shed with no windows and natural light but it is surrounded by empty grass fields.  What we know is to keep chickens in these clinical sheds requires a huge amount of husbandry and chemical interventions to […]

How will we emerge – as better people?

Captain Tom Moore better people

As well as the well documented problems of the disease itself and the steps taken to deal with it, we have seen some remarkable achievements. Can we emerge from this as better people?

A Butterfly Life: 4 Keys to More Happiness, Better Health and Letting Your True Self Shine

Times of change can be a challenge, no doubt! Whether it’s a relationship breakup, job loss, or being diagnosed with a serious health issue. Or you may WANT things to be different, but it feels a little scary or overwhelming. The butterfly reminds us change can be beautiful, even necessary, in order to realize our full potential and live our best life.