Welcome to your Sleep Apnea Questionnaire (Berlin)

The questionnaire consists of 3 categories related to the risk of having sleep apnea. Patients can be classified into High Risk or Low Risk based on their responses to the individual items and their overall scores in the symptom categories.

The Berlin questionnaire (BQ) reliably identifies middle-aged and older persons in the community who are at high-risk for OSA. We aimed to validate the BQ as a screening tool for OSA in IIH patients.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common condition in which there are intermittent partial (viz., hypopneas) and complete (viz., apnea) limitations in airflow, with associated hypoxia and sympathetic arousals, during sleep.[1,2] It is associated with obesity and older age, is more common in men, and, when left untreated, results in increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality

Do you snore?

If you answered Yes, then your snoring is:

How often do you snore?

Has your snoring ever bothered other people?

Has anyone noticed that you stop breathing during your sleep?

How often do you feel tired or fatigued after your sleep?

During your waking time, do you feel tired, fatigued or not up to par?

Have you ever nodded off or fallen asleep while driving a vehicle?

If you answered Yes - How often does this occur?

Do you have high blood pressure?

Please note 1 foot = 0.3048 metres and 1 inch = - 0.0254 metres so work out your height.

Or go to this calculator here to convert your height in feet and inches to metres

1 stone is 6.3503 kilogrammes and 1 pound is 0.4536 kilogrammes so work out your weight in kg

Or convert your weight in stones and pounds to kilogrammes here

BMI is determined by weight by height squared, adjusted for age and gender.

Or use your weight in stones and pounds and your height in feet and inches to calculate your BMI at the NHS siteĀ  here

Is your BMI (Body Mass Index) greater than 30 (in kg/m2 or any other measure)?

BMI is determined by weight by height squared, adjusted for age and gender.

Or use your weight in stones and pounds and your height in feet and inches to calculate your BMI at the NHS siteĀ  here

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