Welcome to your Cigarette Dependence Scale 12
The CDS-12 provides a continuous index of nicotine dependence (mixed with other smoking-relevant items), which can be useful in identifying eligible patients and in monitoring progress in cessation treatment.
This instrument can be useful in identifying eligible patients and in monitoring progress in cessation treatment.
The CDS-12 scale is a 12-item scale that assesses some components of formal diagnostic systems’ (e.g., DSM-IV and ICD-10) definitions of dependence with an emphasis on compulsion to smoke, withdrawal, loss of control, time allocation, neglect of other activities, and persistence despite harm. This instrument does not measure tolerance. Items on self-perception of addiction and smoking rate are also included. Response choices are on a five-point Likert scale.
It is suitable for adolescents and adults, ages 12-74.
It is self-administered, pencil and paper, computer and internet based. Minimal administration time required. No training required. A French-language version available. A 5 item version available.
Source Reference: Etter, J.F., LeHouezec, J., & Perneger, T.V. (in press). A self-administered questionnaire to measure addiction to cigarettes: The Cigarette Dependence Scale. Neuropsychopharmacology.