Experts recommend lowering your risk with simple changes in your diet – for example to the Mediterranean diet (Image: Getty)

By Kelly Jenkins
17:31, 9 FEB 2019  Mirror

Changing your diet is one of the best ways to live longer. 

Almost 200,000 people a year are dying from heart attacks or strokes, yet 80% of under 75 year olds could avoid it. 

.Dr Laura Corr, a cardiologist with 25 years of experience, ¬suggests a Mediterranean diet of mainly vegetables, fruits, wholegrains, fish, nuts and olive oils.

She even suggest prioritising vegetables over fruit, which she says is bred to be sweet.

She suggests limiting red meat and eating more fish – this would also have a positive impact on the planet.

She says vegetable oils such as olive oil and rapeseed oil are better than saturated fats such as butter and cheese.

Finally she suggests cutting back on salt, to reduce the chances of increased blood pressure as we get older.

YouDrive thinks:

More and more people are becoming aware of the need to eat more healthily, but it’s still got some way to go.  There’s also the issue of money – organic food costs more, and if you’re not convinced, it’s easy to think of saving money.  But remember, your health matters!

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