Welcome to your Highly Sensitive Person
This questionnaire by Cheri Gregory on Sensitive and Stron g is just 20 quick multiple choice questions - you answer each by circling the choice that most applies to you.
Note : This quiz is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not an instrument of medical or psychological diagnosis and is not a substitute for medical and/or psychological advice given by a trained, licensed practitioner.
You’ll find the Highly Sensitive Person quiz developed by Elaine Aron via empirical research at http://hsperson.com/test/highly-sensitive-test/
1 — How do your own emotions effect you?
2 — How do you respond to sudden change of plans?
3 — Scents and smells — i.e. perfumes, air fresheners, fabric softeners
4 — I feel like something is different and/or wrong with me.
5 — What do you do after you’ve made a mistake?
6 — I’ve been told, “You’re just too sensitive!”
7 — Repetitive noises — i.e. faucet dripping, pen tapping, cricket chirping —
8 — As a child, I was called a “cry baby” and/or a “drama queen”
9 — How do other people’s emotions effect you?
10 — Uncomfortable textures — i.e. itchy sweater, scratchy tag
11 — How much time does it take you to process new information?
12 — How do you react to unexpected loud noises?
13 — Reflecting deeply is…
14 — I’ve been asked, “Why do you take things so personally!”
15 — How do violent and/or horror movies impact you?
16 — When I learn about a tragedy occurring somewhere else in the world
17 — I’ve been told that I over-think things.
18 — Art, music, drama, and/or beauty …
19 — I am moved to tears.
20 — The world inside me seems more real than the world around me.
21 — In describing my intensity level, I’d say that…
22 — What started as playful banter can suddenly feel like bullying to me.
23 — Do you tend to perform better with a live audience or during solo practice?
24 — When I start feeling overwhelmed, I need to take a break — preferably by myself, in a quiet room, with low lighting.
25 — Caffeine and/or hunger…