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Domestic Abuse

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Domestic Abuse


This information is about the specific health area mentioned above. It comprises a combination of textual and video information, on our site and on external sites.  We will be adding new specific health areas and further information continually.

The idea is for you to understand more about the health area you are addressing before you get too far building your action plan.

General Information

Domestic abuse is not just about physical abuse but about mental abuse. Domestic abuse of any sort brings on all number of psychosomatic conditions. Violence is part of our DNA the researchers wrote in the science journal Nature.

Over half (57%) of all violent incidents were experienced by repeat victims. This was most common among victims of domestic violence. The CSEW showed that more than half of violent incidents in the last year (62%) did not come to the attention of the police.

In the year ending March 2018 CSEW, the most common perpetrators of violent crime were acquaintances (44%, 629,000 offences), with 38% of offences (542,000) perpetrated by a stranger, and the remaining 17% (249,000 offences) categorised as domestic violence. So adding the acquaintance figure to domestic violence means the majority of crime is committed by people we know or are related to.

Domestic abuse is not just about relationships and it’s not always in the home.

The term ‘domestic violence and abuse’ is used to describe any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling and threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between anyone over 16 years, who are/have been intimately involved or are family members.

These incidents may be physical (including throwing objects), sexual, emotional (including verbal threats and controlling behaviour) or financial. Honour-based violence and forced marriage are forms of domestic violence and abuse.

Nowadays, domestic abuse can also happen on mobile phones, on the internet and on social networking sites – in other words it doesn’t just happen at home.

Background Information

There is information available which will help you formulate your action plan – both on our site and on external sites.

On our site


PersonalityDrive looks at different types of personality, including a view of personality disorders.

We have relevant information on PersonalityDrive

ChangeDrive is all about changing ourselves.  If someone is suffering from domestic abuse they are in a pattern which needs changing.

Importantly Domestic abuse has been around along time; commonly known as gaslighting; manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.   See BBC info on this.




We have relevant information on ChangeDrive

On external site(s)

This is the Riyal College of Psychiatrists site. Domestic abuse effects the whole family. Research has shown domestic abuse happens to all members of the family and children do not do well in education that come from a domestic abuse family.


Statistics from the ONS show that

  • an estimated 7.5% of women (1.6 million) and 3.8% of men (786,000) experienced domestic abuse in the last year
  • women aged 20 to 24 years were more likely to be victims of any domestic abuse in the last year than women aged 25 years and over
  • adults who were separated or divorced were more likely to have experienced domestic abuse compared with those who were married or civil partnered, cohabiting, single or widowed
  • adults who lived in urban areas were more likely to have experienced domestic abuse in the last year (6.0%) than those who lived in rural areas (4.2%)


Sometimes the owner of a video will not allow the video to be played on external sites.  If you see the video is unavailable on the left just click the ‘WATCH NOW’ link on the right and the video will play in a new window.

Domestic Abuse is not always easy to see.

Hidden in Plain Sight was created using genuine experiences and testimonies of survivors and focuses on the coercive control tactics and behaviours.

By telling personal stories, the animation aims to engage the viewers to understand that coercive control is a pattern of behaviour that happens over time, has long-term consequences and distorts reality for the victims.

The animation is meant to be used as a training tool, to explore – controlling behaviour and tactics – the impact and consequences on women, children and young people – challenges in seeking help – challenges in identifying perpetrator’s behaviour.

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In order for you to assess what you know about this health area, we suggest using a questionnaire. This might help you understand your situation in this area, or taking it might improve your understanding of the area.

You may be able to take this questionnaire online – either here on our site or on an external site – or download it and complete it on paper – it depends on copyright (and whether we’ve managed to build it on our site!).

The ways you can take a questionnaire:

More than one PDFs, External site questionnaire, More than one questionnaire on our site

Take Questionnaire on our site

You can take a questionnaire on our site. This will score the questions automatically and give you a summary showing what your score means.

You will see our questionnaire first, possibly followed by a tab which may contain a second questionnaire (see above).  If you scroll down you will see links to external questionnaire(s) or downloads if there are any. Scroll down until you get to the right place for you!

YDH Questionnaire Selection

The first questionnaire has 15 questions and is UK based. The second has 12 and is US based. Both aren’t really scored but provide some truly staggering facts.

YDH Questionnaire Selection

The first questionnaire has 15 questions and is UK based. The second has 12 and is US based. Both aren’t really scored but provide some truly staggering facts.

Take questionnaire on external site

You can take this questionnaire on at least one external site.

The Clare Walker Consultancy was established in 2011 to deliver domestic abuse training and consultancy to organisations and individuals.  You can take their quiz here.

Download questionnaire and take it yourself

You can download at least one questionnaire from our site.  You will have to score the questionnaire yourself.

This is the same as our second questionnaire: it’s a US based 12 question questionnaire which gives some interesting facts about domestic violence, with source material.

This is 25 questions on a PDF, which then goes on to give the answers and some supporting facts.  It’s South African but again the lessons apply equally in the UK.

This is 25 questions on a PDF, which then goes on to give the answers and some supporting facts.  It’s South African but again the lessons apply equally in the UK.

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A Butterfly Life: 4 Keys to More Happiness, Better Health and Letting Your True Self Shine

Times of change can be a challenge, no doubt! Whether it’s a relationship breakup, job loss, or being diagnosed with a serious health issue. Or you may WANT things to be different, but it feels a little scary or overwhelming. The butterfly reminds us change can be beautiful, even necessary, in order to realize our full potential and live our best life.