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This information is about the specific health area mentioned above. It comprises a combination of textual and video information, on our site and on external sites.  We will be adding new specific health areas and further information continually.

The idea is for you to understand more about the health area you are addressing before you get too far building your action plan.

General Information

When you’re tired, there’s nothing quite like slipping under the covers for a good, long nap. If you’re really tired, you might even fall asleep on the couch while watching television. Maybe you’ve even napped in the back of the car on the way home from a soccer game.
To get good rest, you usually need some peace and quiet. Of course, there’s one thing that can disrupt that peace and quiet and keep you from resting as peacefully as possible. What are we talking about? Snoring, of course!
If you know someone who snores, then you know exactly what we’re talking about. When some people sleep, they make big, nasally noises that can keep other people awake. Some people snore so loudly that you can hear them in another room!
Most people snore from time to time. For some, though, snoring is a constant problem that keeps them — and others! — awake. Snoring can even be a sign of a more serious medical problem. So read on if you snore or know someone who does!
Snoring happens when air doesn’t move as freely as it should through your nose and mouth while you’re sleeping. This makes parts of your mouth and throat vibrate as you breathe, creating the unique sound we all know as snoring.
Many things cause snoring. For example, allergies can make your nose stuffy and cause you to snore. Colds and infections can cause snoring by blocking your nasal passages and airways or making your tonsils swell.
A condition called sleep apnea can also cause snoring. Sleep apnea can be caused by many things, including being overweight. People with sleep apnea breathe irregularly when they sleep. This can lead to snoring.

Background Information

There is information available which will help you formulate your action plan – both on our site and on external sites.

On our site


SleepDrive is all about increasing awareness of how much sleep you need, quality sleep and how to analyse your sleep levels and how best to overcome sleep issues. How many people has ever stopped and thought, how much sleep do i actually need? What type of sleep is it and is it enough?

Our experts can help you take control of this habit and support you on our journey to a better sleep pattern.

We have relevant information on SleepDrive

If you have problems, can you change the situation?
Welcome to ChangeDrive. We advise most people to come here first because you get the whole concept of YouDrive from here. We firmly believe humans are creatures of habit from the moment we take air to our last breath we create and live by developing habits.

We have relevant information on ChangeDrive

On external site(s)

According to the Guinness Book of World Records (shown on the University of Utah site), the loudest snore recorded measured approximately 111.6 decibels. That is equivalent to a jet flying right over your home. But, it’s not a jet; it’s a 60-year-old grandmother of four who goes the rounds with her nasal passages every night, much to the dismay of her husband.

The Sleep Foundation have an article on snoring and sleep – an extract is shown below.

Snoring is estimated to affect 57% of men and 40% of women1 in the United States. It even occurs in up to 27% of children2.

These statistics demonstrate  snoring is widespread, but its severity and health implications can vary. Snoring can be light, occasional, and unconcerning, or it may be the sign of a serious underlying sleep-related breathing disorder.

Knowing the basics about snoring — what causes it, when it’s dangerous, how to treat it, and how to cope with it — can facilitate better health and eliminate a common cause of sleep complaints.


Sometimes the owner of a video will not allow the video to be played on external sites.  If you see the video is unavailable on the left just click the ‘WATCH NOW’ link on the right and the video will play in a new window.

New ways to cure snoring

A video from Abraham The Pharmacist discusses exercises to stop snoring – an extract from the video info is shown below.

“Complete guide on how to stop snoring naturally. I show tongue exercises that help stop snoring as well as useful tips for snoring. Hey everyone, this weeks video is about snoring and natural ways you can stop snoring.

The idea came to me at 3am while I was in Malta last week with my friends. I didn’t get much sleep that night as one of my friends is a heavy snorer and I wasn’t aware of this until the first night. Hopefully this video will help him and many other people who snore around the world, feel free to share on to friends and family. Lastly a big thank you to David for helping me demonstrate the exercises.

CAUSES OF SNORING: Snoring is caused by things such as your tongue, mouth, throat or airways in your nose vibrating as you breathe. It happens because these parts of your body relax and narrow when you’re asleep. You’re more likely to snore if you: • Are overweight • Smoke • Drink too much alcohol • Sleep on your back Sometimes it’s caused by a condition like sleep apnoea, which is when your airways become temporarily blocked as you sleep. I’ve put more information about this below.

OROPHARYNGEAL EXERCISES: A study done by Vanessa Ieto. Ph.D., of the Sleep Laboratory of the University of São Paulo in Brazil and her associates. Showed that eight minutes of oropharyngeal exercises performed three times a day for 3 months significantly reduced snoring. The study showed a decrease in frequency of loud snoring by 36% and the total power of snoring by 59% after 3 months of exercising. Here are the exercises, • Push tip of tongue against hard palate and slide tongue backward (20 times). • Suck entire tongue up against palate (20 times). • Force back of tongue against floor of mouth while touching tip of tongue to bottom incisors (20 times). • Elevation soft palate and uvula while intermittently saying “A” (20 times). • Place finger in mouth while pressing buccinator muscle outward (10 times per side). • Chew and deglutinate on both sides of mouth whenever eating.

TIPS TO STOP SNORING: • Maintain a healthy weight and diet. Being overweight by just a few kilos can lead to snoring. Fatty tissue around your neck squeezes the airway and prevents air flowing in and out freely. •Try to sleep on your side rather than your back. While sleeping on your back, your tongue, chin and any excess fatty tissue under your chin can relax and squash your airway. Sleeping on your side prevents this. Try taping a tennis ball to the back of your sleepwear, or buy a special pillow or bed wedge to help keep you on your side. • Avoid alcohol before going to bed. Alcohol makes your muscles relax more than usual during a normal night’s sleep.

This may encourage the back of your throat to collapse as you breathe, which causes snoring. • Quit or cut down on smoking. Cigarette smoke irritates the lining of your nose and throat, causing swelling and catarrh. This means airflow is decreased and you’re more likely to snore. • Keep your nose clear, so that you breathe in through your nose rather than your mouth. If an allergy is blocking your nose, try antihistamine tablets or a nasal spray. Ask your pharmacist for advice, or see your GP, if you’re affected by an allergy or any other condition that affects your nose or breathing. • There are a range of stop-snoring treatments and devices on sale. These include nasal strips, which open the nostrils wider, throat sprays and devices known as mandibular advancement devices (MAD), which reposition the jaw to improve airflow.

SLEEP APNOEA: If you feel sleepy during the day, or make gasping or choking noises while you sleep – please see your healthcare professional as you may have sleep apnoea, which can be serious if not treated.”

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In order for you to assess what you know about this health area, we suggest using a questionnaire. This might help you understand your situation in this area, or taking it might improve your understanding of the area.

You may be able to take this questionnaire online – either here on our site or on an external site – or download it and complete it on paper – it depends on copyright (and whether we’ve managed to build it on our site!).

The ways you can take a questionnaire:

External site questionnaire, Questionnaire on our site

Take Questionnaire on our site

You can take a questionnaire on our site. This will score the questions automatically and give you a summary showing what your score means.

You will see our questionnaire first, possibly followed by a tab which may contain a second questionnaire (see above).  If you scroll down you will see links to external questionnaire(s) or downloads if there are any. Scroll down until you get to the right place for you!

Our Questionnaire

This simple 8 multiple choice question questionnaire from US Modern Sleep Solutions checks if you’re getting enough sleep.

Welcome to your Laughter Questionnaire.

This isn't a serious subject, so here are some questions which give you some information on laughter.

Why does it feel good to laugh?

In social situations, we use laughter to:

How many calories can 10 to 15 minutes of laughing burn?

How might laughter help your heart?

Laughing might help ease pain

Laughter may help with which mental health problem(s)?

Laughter is contagious.

A baby first giggles at this age:

When did early humans laugh?

Uncontrollable laughter can be a problem for people who have:

What movie is about a real-life doctor who uses humour as medicine?

Take questionnaire on external site

You can take this questionnaire on at least one external site.

British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association have an online questionnaire on snoring – you need to provide an email address and get your results.
The BSSAA are the UK’s leading authority on Snoring & Sleep Apnoea providing countless restful nights since 1991.

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A Butterfly Life: 4 Keys to More Happiness, Better Health and Letting Your True Self Shine

Times of change can be a challenge, no doubt! Whether it’s a relationship breakup, job loss, or being diagnosed with a serious health issue. Or you may WANT things to be different, but it feels a little scary or overwhelming. The butterfly reminds us change can be beautiful, even necessary, in order to realize our full potential and live our best life.