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This information is about the specific health area mentioned above. It comprises a combination of textual and video information, on our site and on external sites.  We will be adding new specific health areas and further information continually.

The idea is for you to understand more about the health area you are addressing before you get too far building your action plan.

General Information

When it comes to personal change the first thing people need to know is how good are they are making decisions and a plan and then executing the plan. Procrastination is a human trait that everyone at some stage in their lives suffers from.

Some humans over-think things and then never get started, whilst others don’t think at all and then crash and burn later because they didn’t think it through correctly.  How many times have we promised ourselves to learn that musical instrument or new language but just keep putting of starting, making the most feeble of excuses for not doing it.

So before completing an action plan ask yourself a question: how likely am I based upon past record to undertake this task or am I just going to complete the action planner and the task will just sit there.

Are You a Procrastinator?

As with many self-sabotaging behaviors, the first step in stopping procrastinating is to recognize that you’re doing it.  But this isn’t always as straightforward as it sounds!

Many procrastinators persuade themselves that they have good reasons for delaying getting on with what they have to do. And once you’ve got into a “victim” mindset (which many procrastinators do), you may not realize that what you’re doing is procrastinating, and that it’s up to you to overcome it.

No matter what, procrastination is stressful and damaging to your productivity, and it can really wind up your colleagues! The first step is to see whether this is you, and if it is start to take steps to overcome it.  MindTools have an article on this.  Take the questionnaire on our site to do this.

People try to split this down further into different types of avoidance archetypes, or procrastinators: there are many definitions:

  • the perfectionist, the dreamer, the worrier, the crisis-maker, the defier, the over-doer (Sapadin on Healthline)
  • the performer, the self-deprecator, the overbooker, and the novelty seeker (Business Insider)
  • the anxious, the fun, the ‘plenty of time’, the perfectionist (see Medium)
  • delayers, perfectionists and distractable (see The Daley Post)

To find out what type of procrastinator you are, download the questionnaire from Salve Regina University – it’s quick and easy and will give you an idea on what type you are.

Background Information

There is information available which will help you formulate your action plan – both on our site and on external sites.

On our site


ChangeDrive is all about Personal Change and how to turn a vicious circle into a virtuous one. The body and mind are incredible things and work together to keep your body in Order. We may start with great intention to make a change in our lives but our body and brain doesn’t like change and when the balance is upset the body and brain fight back convincing you to race back to what your familiar with.

Procrastination is a real balance between knowing enough information to make a logical decision and when that decision is reached taking action. Procrastination can cost you thousands in missed opportunities or finding that ideal partner or finding that ideal hond me because you procrastinated too long, If you know you hesitate then read the ariticles on YouDriveHealth to help you reduce the behaviour.

We have relevant information on ChangeDrive
Life Journey

Life Journey is all about the different stages in a person life. Often we all face the same challenges. By reading how people managed their lives during this period can give you confidence in making the decision and taking action.

We have relevant information on Life Journey

On external site(s)

I’m a master procrastinator, a couch lover and a guy who has been nicknamed “the last minute man” (kids have batman and superman, why can’t I get a name?). Nobody can tell you more about procrastination than I.

Below I listed 30 habits of procrastinators. If you find yourself having more than seven then a procrastinator is who you are (and that’s not flattering, you gotta do something about it asap!).

Solving Procrastination have an article detailing procrastination in detail.

Why People Procrastinate: The Psychology and Causes of Procrastination


Sometimes the owner of a video will not allow the video to be played on external sites.  If you see the video is unavailable on the left just click the ‘WATCH NOW’ link on the right and the video will play in a new window.

Are You a Chronic Procrastinator?

The science behind procrastination.

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In order for you to assess what you know about this health area, we suggest using a questionnaire. This might help you understand your situation in this area, or taking it might improve your understanding of the area.

You may be able to take this questionnaire online – either here on our site or on an external site – or download it and complete it on paper – it depends on copyright (and whether we’ve managed to build it on our site!).

The ways you can take a questionnaire:

PDF for download, External site questionnaire, Questionnaire on our site

Take Questionnaire on our site

You can take a questionnaire on our site. This will score the questions automatically and give you a summary showing what your score means.

You will see our questionnaire first, possibly followed by a tab which may contain a second questionnaire (see above).  If you scroll down you will see links to external questionnaire(s) or downloads if there are any. Scroll down until you get to the right place for you!

Our Questionnaire

This quiz is no longer available.

Take questionnaire on external site

You can take this questionnaire on at least one external site.

Psychology Today have a quick and easy test which takes 5 minutes and will give you some information whether you are a procrastinator.

Download questionnaire and take it yourself

You can download at least one questionnaire from our site.  You will have to score the questionnaire yourself.

Procrastination affects students enormously, and Salve Regina University have a quick questionnaire you can download.

Why not take the questionnaire and find out if you are a serious procrastinator and what type you are.



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A Butterfly Life: 4 Keys to More Happiness, Better Health and Letting Your True Self Shine

Times of change can be a challenge, no doubt! Whether it’s a relationship breakup, job loss, or being diagnosed with a serious health issue. Or you may WANT things to be different, but it feels a little scary or overwhelming. The butterfly reminds us change can be beautiful, even necessary, in order to realize our full potential and live our best life.