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Chris Large

it's 13 Feb, 2025 1:15 pm

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Full name: Christopher Large

Interests: Overall Health or Wellbeing, Physical Health, Financial Health, Mental Health, Life Journey or Life Stages, ageing, etc
Other Interests: Ethology and interest in domesticated farm animals. Horticulture and landscape design.
Location: Midlands
Phone: 07477809701
Qualifications: 30 years of change management and 20 years of practicing Ethology
Means of support: Reply to questions raised in comments, Write Posts for the blog, Provide support via social media, Write articles on specific subjects, Provide telephone support, Provide online support, Provide face to face support, Use the site for your own research in future, Share the site and tailor for colleagues / employees / associates
About me:

I have spent 30 years working in corporate and personal change. I have held  a number of senior roles working in many countries and with people from different nationalities. Creating change in different countries with cultural, economic, sociological differences means each change is different, takes a different direction, needs to be executed in a different way and acceptance differs from continent to continent. Personal change is exactly the same.

I have expertise in a number of areas connected to personal change;

Locus of control, Personal SWOTs, Forcefield Analysis, DNA and social mapping, Ethology and the study of Animal Behaviour, Dealing with mental health or life issues,  Nutrition and healthy living.

I have studied and practiced child psychology and family development as a hobby and helped many families and children along the journey.

Issues tackled:

I want to help people with life issues.

Help people who are struggling with personal identity and understanding their own behaviour and habits.

Relationship and family matters.

I currently life coach a number of people post and pre millennials who find life somewhat a challenge.

I have experience of working with large groups of people who need to change course or direction. I have guided and developed mechanisms and processes to enable change to take place.

Description: A portal for overall health – physical, financial and mental
Anything else? I have a passion for Ethology and animal behaviour. Having spent over 20 years studying animal behaviour and welfare. I have an in-depth knowledge of domestic/ wild animal and bird behaviour. I experience of DNA, social profiling/modelling and used this knowledge to assess human behaviour.

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When you complete the last form an email will be generated to the Expert.

A Butterfly Life: 4 Keys to More Happiness, Better Health and Letting Your True Self Shine

Times of change can be a challenge, no doubt! Whether it’s a relationship breakup, job loss, or being diagnosed with a serious health issue. Or you may WANT things to be different, but it feels a little scary or overwhelming. The butterfly reminds us change can be beautiful, even necessary, in order to realize our full potential and live our best life.