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I have spent 30 years working in corporate and personal change. I have held a number of senior roles working in many countries and with people from different nationalities. Creating change in different countries with cultural, economic, sociological differences means each change is different, takes a different direction, needs to be executed in a different way and acceptance differs from continent to continent. Personal change is exactly the same.
I have expertise in a number of areas connected to personal change;
Locus of control, Personal SWOTs, Forcefield Analysis, DNA and social mapping, Ethology and the study of Animal Behaviour, Dealing with mental health or life issues, Nutrition and healthy living.
I have studied and practiced child psychology and family development as a hobby and helped many families and children along the journey.
I want to help people with life issues.
Help people who are struggling with personal identity and understanding their own behaviour and habits.
Relationship and family matters.
I currently life coach a number of people post and pre millennials who find life somewhat a challenge.
I have experience of working with large groups of people who need to change course or direction. I have guided and developed mechanisms and processes to enable change to take place.
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Times of change can be a challenge, no doubt! Whether it’s a relationship breakup, job loss, or being diagnosed with a serious health issue. Or you may WANT things to be different, but it feels a little scary or overwhelming. The butterfly reminds us change can be beautiful, even necessary, in order to realize our full potential and live our best life.