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Sexual Addiction

it's 08 Feb, 2025 8:49 am

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Sexual Addiction


This information is about the specific health area mentioned above. It comprises a combination of textual and video information, on our site and on external sites.  We will be adding new specific health areas and further information continually.

The idea is for you to understand more about the health area you are addressing before you get too far building your action plan.

General Information

Compulsive sexual behaviour

There are no Government statistics because sex addiction is not classified as a medical issue but professionals are seeking classification as increasing numbers of people seek out advice. It is estimated that up to 12% of the population could have a secret sexual addiction. Sex addiction is characterised by excessive urges to have sex or engage in other sex-related behaviours, even when such actions may jeopardise your physical health, emotional wellbeing or social standing.

Of course, sexual desires and urges are a normal and healthy part of life. But in the case of sex addiction, these urges become overwhelming and the resultant decisions and actions can be extremely destructive.

Background Information

There is information available which will help you formulate your action plan – both on our site and on external sites.

On our site


SexDrive looks at all aspects of sexuality, including relationships and gender as well as sexual congress and addiction.

Compulsive sexual behaviour

There are no Government statistics because sex addiction is not classified as a medical issue but professionals are seeking classification as increasing numbers of people seek out advice. It is estimated that up to 12% of the population could have a secret sexual addiction. Sex addiction is characterised by excessive urges to have sex or engage in other sex-related behaviours, even when such actions may jeopardise your physical health, emotional wellbeing or social standing.

Of course, sexual desires and urges are a normal and healthy part of life. But in the case of sex addiction, these urges become overwhelming and the resultant decisions and actions can be extremely destructive.

We have relevant information on SexDrive

Communication is the key to resolving sexual addiction.

Most marriage guidance blame relationship breakdown to communication. It cannot be just the way people talk to each other but what types of character we are. See the previous points on personality and character. On top of these issues are their other issues that we can add to the mix such as infidelity and lying. No matter how hard a person tries to forgive and forget the sometimes can forgive but rarely they forget. If you are communicating with a partner with history there can be many prejudices and emotions under the surface that distort what another person says.

We have relevant information on Communication

On external site(s)

TheMindfulHabit provide Porn and Sex Addiction Group Coaching.  Their site has some useful information including the true life story of the founder and former addict Craig Perra.  His intro is shown below.

“My insane sexual addiction almost killed me 10 years ago when I felt so ashamed I tried to kill myself. I saved my life, family, and found my purpose.

For the past eight years, I’ve been leading men to take back control over their powerful sexual energy and harness it to create great lives … and to save their families. Clients have called the tools learned in my group coaching program, “revolutionary,” “awesome,” and “life-changing.”

I’m not for everyone, but if you: 1. are willing to do some work; and 2. connect with my approach my team and I will move you quickly to healthy sexuality and a great life. We guarantee results with a 30 day unconditional money back guarantee. Lives and families are at stake and we think we should be compensated only if we deliver results.

Where you are at right now … I’ve been there. Since then, I have coached over 1,000 men in 25+ countries all over world. Millions saw my wife and I on Katie Couric and me as an expert on The Steve Harvey Show. Over 1 million people have watched my videos on YouTube and over 500,000 people have learned from my podcast Sex Afflictions & Porn Addictions. ”

Are you ready to take massive action?

Psychology Today have an interview with cognitive psychologist Thaddeus Birchard. A summary is shown below.

“Sex is a normal human need, but for some people, sexual behavior becomes compulsive, and the behavior remains out of control despite feelings of shame and harmful consequences.  Experts know that sex addiction is not about sex. Instead, sexual behavior is used as an escape from unpleasant feelings—feelings that can be successfully addressed in psychotherapy.

You are the founder of the Marylebone Centre in London, which focuses on treating people with relationship problems, sexual compulsivity, and mood disorders. You were one of the first to address issues of sexuality in the U.K. Exactly how do you define sexual addiction?

The usual answer is that it is defined by four criteria: out of control, harmful consequences, not being able to stay stopped, and it has a function. As the first three potentially apply to sex in general, I focus on the last criteria: function. It is sex used to relieve painful and intolerable feeling states. These include depression, shame, anxiety, boredom, low self-worth and, sometimes, problems hidden in the structure of the primary relationship.”


Sometimes the owner of a video will not allow the video to be played on external sites.  If you see the video is unavailable on the left just click the ‘WATCH NOW’ link on the right and the video will play in a new window.

We Need To Talk About Sex Addiction

This is a TEDx Talk from Paula Hall, and the video summary is shown below.

“Sex addiction affects young and old, rich and poor, male and female. Paula Hall shares what we can do about it, even if we don’t suffer from it ourselves. Paula Hall (UKCP Reg, BACP Acc, COSRT Acc, ATSAC) has been working in the field of Sex Addiction for over 10 years and is author of Understanding & Treating Sex Addiction (Routledge 2013).

Sex Addiction – The Partners Perspective (Routledge 2015). She has also been published in a number of academic journals and within the professional press. Paula was a founder member of ATSAC and served as Chair for three years and is currently on the board of SASH. In addition to working with individuals and couples, she developed the Hall Recovery Course which is available around the UK and also under licence in Denmark and Holland and provides residential programmes for both people with addiction and partners. She has spoken at conferences in the UK, Europe and in the US on behalf of ESSM, UKCP, BACP, ATSAC, UKESAD and The International Sex Addiction Conference.”

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In order for you to assess what you know about this health area, we suggest using a questionnaire. This might help you understand your situation in this area, or taking it might improve your understanding of the area.

You may be able to take this questionnaire online – either here on our site or on an external site – or download it and complete it on paper – it depends on copyright (and whether we’ve managed to build it on our site!).

The ways you can take a questionnaire:

More than one external site questionnaire, More than one questionnaire on our site

Take Questionnaire on our site

You can take a questionnaire on our site. This will score the questions automatically and give you a summary showing what your score means.

You will see our questionnaire first, possibly followed by a tab which may contain a second questionnaire (see above).  If you scroll down you will see links to external questionnaire(s) or downloads if there are any. Scroll down until you get to the right place for you!

YDH Questionnaire Selection

The first questionnaire is aimed at men, the second women.

YDH Questionnaire Selection

The first questionnaire is aimed at men, the second women.

Take questionnaire on external site

You can take this questionnaire on at least one external site.

This short interactive test from The Laurel Centre has been designed as a non-clinical tool to help indicate possible behaviour traits which might be having a negative effect on your life. The test consists of 14 key questions which help to highlight specific indicators of compulsive sexual behaviour or sex or porn addiction. It takes about 5 minutes to complete with no email or logging in required and gives results split into 3 categories. They say:

“It is important to note that this test should not be used in place of professional advice, it is merely a tool to enable you to make the first step in deciding what type of help and support you need. For a full assessment with one of our Associates, please contact us.

Please note that this test is 100% confidential and no personal information will be recorded or stored.”

These questionnaires are online versions of the questionnaire on our site.

Healthy Place have a Sexual Addiction Screening Test for Women which is a 25 question True or False questionnaire – it takes about 5 minutes to complete and doesn’t need an email address or logging in.

There is also a similar test for men

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A Butterfly Life: 4 Keys to More Happiness, Better Health and Letting Your True Self Shine

Times of change can be a challenge, no doubt! Whether it’s a relationship breakup, job loss, or being diagnosed with a serious health issue. Or you may WANT things to be different, but it feels a little scary or overwhelming. The butterfly reminds us change can be beautiful, even necessary, in order to realize our full potential and live our best life.