Welcome to your Emotional Domain Questionnaire.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to assess how your health (or wellness or wellbeing) is across a number of different dimensions or domains.  There has been a lot of scientific study on wellness or wellbeing over the last ten years. It shows that it is influenced by many variables, e.g. being physically healthy, having a good job, having positive relationships, having good living standards, etc. The list goes on. Some of these things are physical, some financial, and some mental. Some are within our direct control, others aren't.

In order to work out which areas of our wellbeing we should focus on, we define a number of different areas or domains or dimensions that we can work on. If you type 'dimensions of wellbeing' into Google you will find many definitions of the dimensions of wellbeing, and they split into 6, 7, 8 or 10 different dimensions. The reason for using different domains is to find areas we can work on and improve, before things get too bad and require a more serious intervention.

We have used 8 different domains of wellbeing or health, and this questionnaire has six questions in each area. For each question, mark the score that applies to you. There are no right or wrong answers, and the objective is to see how you feel in each area.

I have a sense of fun and laughter

I am able to feel and label my feelings

I express my feelings appropriately

I am able to comfort or console myself when I am troubled

I have a sense of control in my life and I am able to adapt to change

Others would describe me as emotionally stable

We hope you found that interesting. Please make a note of your scores in the different domains, as you will be asked to enter these later.

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