Your Dashboard Tools

it's 08 Feb, 2025 8:42 am

This is where you add a new contribution to our site. This can be a post, an article, a download or a link to your site.

Here you will enter only the title and a brief summary of your contribution, then you’ll go to a page where you’ll enter the details.

This is where you add a post, which will get published it on our site.

It will send an email to us as well so we can look at it too. GO!

Here you can add an article, which is like a post but has more bits to it. 

When you add some basic details you will go to another page where you complete the article.  It will get published on our site.  We’ll get an email to remind us to have a look at it. GO!

Add a download – something can be downloaded from our site. You’ll have to tell us how it fits with health, then you’ll go to another page where you can tell us where it should be downloaded from.

We’ll need to have a look and then publish it.  We’ll get an email to remind us to review it – please bear with us if we don’t do it immediately. GO!

Add a link to another site – hopefully relating to something on our site. You’ll have to tell us how it fits with what we’re doing and what it’s a link to, and then you’ll go to a page where you can tell us where it should be put.

We’ll need to have a look at it and then publish it.  We’ll get an email to remind us to review it – please bear with us if we don’t do it immediately. GO!

Add a Post

This is where you add a new Post

You can Save your work at any time by going to the bottom of the page and pressing ‘Save As Draft’ – the contents of the form will stay there. When you leave and come back to this form, it will be blank – DON’T start entering details again – just go to the bottom again and under where it says  Edit a draft click on -New Post-  and select the draft you want to work on.  After a short while the details you entered will appear.

NOTE: When you select the draft you want, you may see a popup box saying you will leave the site and your changes won’t be saved – that is fine – you have to say OK to that and it will bring in your previous information. 

Remember as a contributor your post will go for review before going live when you post it.

Add an article

Articles can be seen on our site. If you want to see the typical layout of an article, then click the button on the right.

Click the button below to enter some basic details, including giving it a title (so we can all refer to it), the you’ll be directed to where you add a few more details.

Add an item to download from our site

If you have something you would want visitors to our site to download, then you can send it to us and we can include it, assuming it fits with our aims.

Click the button below to enter some basic details, including giving it a title (so we can all refer to it), the you’ll be directed to where you add a few more details.

Add a link to another site

You can add a link to something else that you want to appear on our site.  We’ll have a look and if it fits with our aims we’ll put it on.

Click the button below to enter some basic details, including giving it a title (so we can all refer to it), the you’ll be directed to where you add a few more details.


At YouDriveHealth we can provide you with information, tools, calculators and also support for may aspects of health – physical, financial and mental.  If you register by entering your email address then when you sign in you can comment and contribute.

©  YouDriveHealth Limited 2022

See Terms of Service

See Privacy Policy and Cookies 

See Comment Moderation policy 

Website : YouDriveHealth Limited

A Butterfly Life: 4 Keys to More Happiness, Better Health and Letting Your True Self Shine

Times of change can be a challenge, no doubt! Whether it’s a relationship breakup, job loss, or being diagnosed with a serious health issue. Or you may WANT things to be different, but it feels a little scary or overwhelming. The butterfly reminds us change can be beautiful, even necessary, in order to realize our full potential and live our best life.